Just goes to show you, when you think you have your finger on the pulse of all the cool vintage car events… well, not so fast! A few weeks ago we attended an event that we’d previously never heard of. It was the FOG (Florida Owner’s Group) “Gathering of the Faithful”: an annual pilgrimage of rabid Porsche 356 owners. Being the purveyor and connoisseur of 356’s that we are, we just had to attend. (It didn’t hurt that it was freezing in Connecticut and balmy in Florida).
This is a passionate group of collectors… and I use that word advisedly, ’cause these guys don’t just collect 356’s, they drive the hell out of them! Out of the 50 or cars that were there, all but two were driven from far and wide around Florida.
Not surprisingly, there were several cars there we knew well: one was a spectacular 356 Convertible D that we sold to its owner a couple of years ago. Another was a B Roadster we have owned a couple of times and that now belongs to our good client and friend John Boles. Small world.
It was really fun to meet new folks and catch up with old friends. We’re already marking the calender for next year.