For us, this is what being in the classic car business is all about:
A few years ago we met Chris Nast on the New England 1000 Rally… which may be our favorite event to attend. 40 vintage cars, great people and insanely gorgeous roads. Knowing I was in the vintage car biz, Chris happened to mention to me that he’d love to own a Mercedes 300SL Roadster. Seems the 190SL he was rallying with didn’t have quite enough umph for his lead-footed ways.
So after the Rally I told him I’d have a look to see what I could find. After searching for many months I lucked out when I just happen to be speaking with my friend Eric Hjeltness in Escondido, CA… who mentioned an SL that a long time customer of his was going to sell. The next day I made my way to Eric’s shop, inspected and road tested the car… and our search was over. It was a fortuitous find; the car had had only two owners, had very low mileage, matching numbers, great documentation and was extremely original.
Fast forward a few years… Chris has now taken this great car on two rallies: the Mountain Mille in West Virginia, and The New England 1000… where the story all began.
So now after several thousand miles of pure joy and a recent full service at Paul Russell’s shop, we’ve been entrusted by our good friend, client and fellow rallier Chris Nast to find a new home for this special car.